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FIX 2024 (Future Innovation tech eXpo)


FIX 2024 (Future Innovation tech eXpo)

- Better Tech, Better Future! -

Korea's largest show provides the perfect business platform for networking with Korean partners in mobility, robotics, ICT, and startup businesses.

1.. Overview

  - Dates

    1) Exhibition: Oct. 23. (Wed) - 26. (Sat), 4 days

    2) Conference: Oct. 23. (Wed) - 25. (Fri), 3 days

  - Venue: exco, Daegu, South Korea

  - Scale: 450 exhibitors, 2,000 booths, 30,000㎡

  - Items

    1) Daegu International Future Auto & Mobility Expo (DIFA)

    2) ICT Convergence Expo Korea (ITCE)

    3) Daegu Robot Expo (ROBEX)

    4) Start-up Arena

  - Programs

    1) Exhibitions: DIFA, ITCE, ROBEX, Start-up

    2) Conferences: DIFA Forum, Global Robot, Business Forum, Cyber Security Conference

    3) Business Programs: Technology on Stage, 1:1 Business Matching, Innovation Awards, Daegu Night, Invest in Daegu

    4) Concurrent Events: Gaia-X Cooperation Presentations, Test Driving, Hands on Tech, Career Fair

    5) Visitor Programs: Accommodations, Torism, Transportation, Cultural Events (Opera, Musical, Orchestra, etc)

2. Contact and Apply

  - Web: www.FIXKOREA.or.kr

  - FIX Secretariat. +82-53-601-5072   /   nmbae@exco.co.kr
